Teeth brushed, hair styled, clean shave
Clean tennis shoes (non-slip)
Only Rocky's or blank black hats may be worn
Black t-shirt or any Rocky's logo t-shirt, dark/black jeans and other Manager approved apparel
LED Flashlight & Bar Towel(s)
Lock door during set-up
Ensure all fog machines are filled with fog fluid. Fog fluid should be neatly stored behind DJ booth. If 2 gallons of fog or less remain, notify manager so new fog can be ordered
Clear out ice wells from previous shift and insert new ice from ice machine
Throw away all tied up trash bags from previous night, spray/wipe down trash cans and insert new liners
Use three-compartment sink to wash all bar mats, cups, carafes, ice buckets, fruit trays and bus tubs from previous shift
Fill fruit trays with any fruit left in the fridge/on ice from previous shift; throw out any fruit older than 3 days or showing any brown spots. Limes, lemons and oranges should look crisp green, yellow and orange.
Cut as much fruit as you will need for the night and keep stocked in fridge/on ice container
Two-three towels are allowed per employe per night. If more is needed, must be approved by MOD or an emergency
Ensure all owner's alcohol is organized in powder room in lockers/rows so each type of alcohol is easily accessible
Request par levels of owner's alcohol from manager and notify manager if any orders need to be picked-up
Spray and wipe down restroom mirrors, sinks, countertops, walls, toilets, soap and paper towel dispensers
Spray and wipe down bar top, tables and DJ table/cabinets
Check that chemicals for three compartment are stocked; take note of any chemicals nearing empty and report to manager for ordering
Ensure both beer-pong tables are set up - check with manager for placement
Fill red solo cups with one inch of water and place in ten-cup triangles on each side of the beer pong tables
*If TV's installed: If any TV's aren't working correctly try to resolve issue by unplugging the TV and plugging back in. If issue persists, notify manager
Monday-Thursay: TV's to be set to TBD
Friday-Sunday: TV's to be set to TBD
Set up bar mats across the length of the bar
Place one fruit tray on the right side of the bar top and fill with cut limes, lemons and oranges
Set up a napkin and straw caddie next to fruit tray (caddies should be refilled before opening shift begins)
Ensure all hard plastic cups are cleaned and stacked neatly on the wire storage rack next to the ice well
Ensure 6 straw and napkin trays are filled and stored on the wire rack in the supply room (ready in case table set ups are ordered)
Thoroughly clean all mop buckets and cleaning supplies; ensure everything is placed in its original spot and organized properly
All "During" duties have been read through prior to beginning of shift
Restrooms to be cleaned hourly and Restroom Form submitted with each clean. Only initials are needed - timestamp will submit automatically
Continuously check stock and fill ice, fruits, napkins, straws, liquor, and beer
Continuously pick up cups, wash cups, and restock cups
Spray and wipe all tables and bars down
Regularly ask tables and teammates if anything is needed
Clean up any spills; when floor is wet
Beer Pong cups should be lined up with a ten cup triangle on each side of the table - whenever not being played. Each cup should be filled up about an inch with water. Each side of the table should have an extra cup with filled with the same amount of water and one ball inside each of those cups.
Keep an eye on CO2 gauge for soda guns; when CO2 runs out replace:
Use CO2 tank wrench to unscrew the connection to the CO2 tank, place the connection on the other tank, tighten with wrench and then screw lose the knob a few turns to let the co2 flow
Wipe down walls and baseboards
When no tasks seem available, dry/clean cups individually to remove excess water and other marks
Stay in motion on the look out for cleaning and organizational tasks
Phone usage during shift is not allowed unless using to promote the business.
If you need to leave your designated areasfor any reason (restroom, emergency phone call, etc.) - please ensure you ask your manager for permission and have another employee keep an eye on your area/duties.
Leaving the business during your shift is not permitted. If an emergency exists - please notify your manager.
Eating during your shift is not permitted. Please eat before or after your shift. If we need to schedule you later so you can eat before shift, let us know so we can plan accordingly.
Turn off TV's
Sound and light switches in DJ booth should be turned off during closing. All other lights may be turned off when exiting the building.
Pick up all bar mats, cups, carafes and ice buckets and place in bus tubs (to be cleaned during opening)
Remove all fruit from fruit tray(s) and store in clean, plastic container in fridge/on ice; place fruit tray(s) in bus tubs (to be cleaned during opening)
Spray and wipe down bar top
Throw away all cans and trash and tie up all trash bags tightly. Trash will be thrown out at the beginning of the next shift
Empty all red solo cups and place stacked, upside down in three compartment sink to dry out.
Spray and wipe down restroom mirrors, sinks, countertops, walls, and toilets
Sweep the entire bar
Mop entire bar, empty dirty mop water and place bucket/mop in mop sink storage room
Gather all dirty towels laying around as well as dirty towels in bar bucket, and place in dirty towel bag in storage; rinse out dirty towel bucket and replace in position behind bar
Ensure light and sound switches on left side DJ booth are turned off
All supplies on main storage rack should be neatly organized in rows so that every item is easily accessible. Package wraps/boxes should be removed prior to placing on rack.
Top Row: napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, disposable plastic cups, straws
Second Row from Top: salt, tajin, towels in a bucket, shakertins, cutting board/knife, and pour spouts
Third Row from Top: trash bags, gloves, Clorox wipes, lysol spray, Febreze air freshener, Febreze Carpet Cleaner, Windex
Fourth Row from Top: ice buckets, carafes, bucket of ping pong balls, red solo cups
Bottom Row: napkin caddies, fruit trays, bar mats, confetti cannons
All non alcoholic beverages on storage rack should be neatly organized in rows so that every item is easily accessible. Package wraps/boxes should be removed prior to placing on rack.
Top Row: waters
Second Row from Top: Red Bull (rows of same flavors)
Third Row from Top: fruits
Fourth Row from Top: bus tubs
Bottom Row: happy dad oval buckets
Mop Sink Storage Room Organization:
Shelf (in rows): Extra mop head, Pinesol and/or fabuloso, Bleach
Floor: Empty mop bucket and mop, brooms, and dustpans
First Name
Last Name