Quickbooks Contractor Payments Process

Please only utilize instructions reviewed in this email - no other portions of our accounting should be edited. Quickbooks keeps a trail of every page visited and everything edited by every user. If anything else is edited, we would have to remove your access.

First off - you'll send any new DJ's/Contractors this link to retrieve their name and email. When they fill out, their will be an email sent to the management email address - you can simply copy and paste their name and email into Quickbooks to send them an invite:


The first screenshot attached shows the home page of Quickbooks. Scroll over the Payroll tab and just click Contractors. You can also click the Payroll tab and select the Contractor tab at the top of the page.

The next screenshot is to add a contractor that's not already in the system. You and many others are already in so this will just be for when we add someone new. When you click the "Add a contractor" button at the top of the page, the pop-up allows you to enter their name and email that they sent you from the link above. Keep in mind that these invites only last 24 hours and then expire - so be sure to let contractors know to let you know a good time to send when they'll be able to fill out within 24 hours.

The next two screenshots are if any have issues filling out on their end, you would just click on their name and then fill out their personal details and bank info. You'll want to have them either send a W9 or send you their Name, Address, Social Security Number or EIN and also their Bank account and routing number as well as their phone number attached to their bank account. Just have them email that to the management email.

The final screenshot shows what information to input when you click "Pay with direct deposit". 

You'll select the corresponding account in Quickbooks (DJ for DJ's, Payroll Expense if it's your bi-weekly payment, and if we have any Repairs & Maintenance - those would go under Repairs and Maintenance). We'll discuss any other categories we may use when the time comes. If we need to make any other type of pay outs, we will let you at that time which to select.

Description - either just "Bi-weekly" for you or for DJ's you'll input the Day and Date they played like "Saturday 9/7"

Finally, you'll select Wells Fargo for the "Corresponding account in Quickbooks" and click pay.

We'll want to let DJ's know you'll pay out the week following when they play sometime between Monday and Wednesday so that you can just pay everyone out at the same time that day of the week.