
Sales Transfer

Amount of sales days to transfer will depend on bank account balances. Transfer as much as we can while leaving around $25k in JJM Entertainment.

In Toast Tab, search for “Settled Deposits Daily Breakdown,” copy/paste and sum sales (from the last date used in the previous transfer) into the Transfer Sheet. Refer to the pervious month’s tab in the Transfer Sheet for the date to start after.

Orders Transfer

In Provi, on the lefthand toolbar - select “ProviPay Payment”

Using the “Outstanding” tab, Copy/Paste all Unpaid invoices into the Transfer Sheet. Since we transfer monthly and payments go out no later than two weeks - Unpaid won’t have been included the previous transfer.

Next, we will pull orders from the “Paid” Tab.

First, a couple things to notice in the previous Months Transfer Sheet:

  • “Unpaid” Orders don’t get paid until as late as the end of the month. For example, in February 2025, we transferred Unpaid orders that weren’t set to pay out until the end of the month (2/25/25).

  • The last date transferred of “Paid” Orders from the previous month are dated up to the date of the transfer. In February 2025, the last date of Paid/Pending orders that we transferred over was 2/5/25.

So, we copy/paste all orders from that last order on 2/5/25 through the transfer date. This however, means that some (if not all) of the Invoices that were marked as Unpaid in the previous transfers, should be included in the list of Paid invoices from 2/5/25 onward. Any of these invoices that were already included in the previous transfer should be removed and the remaining invoices totaled for the transfer amount.

Tax Transfers

Pull the Tax amounts from the JJM Wells Fargo, total the three taxes and transfer with one check. These will be categorized out in QB.

Other Transfers

Monthly SBA, Toast, Electricity, Chargebacks and other payments that have gone through JJM and payable from Trophy Saloon can be totaled and transferred.

*Total any JJM charges (Spotify, BHN, wire charge, adobe, Hulu and others) and remove from $5000 payment sent out of JJM account.