fort worth
fort worth
Refer to your Handbook for General Guidelines
Teeth brushed, hair styled, clean shave Clean tennis shoes (non-slip) Black t-shirt or any Rodeo ogo t-shirt, and dark/black jeans and other Manager approved apparel Only Rodeo or blank hats may be worn
DOOR CLICKER - must keep track of capacity at all times - be prepared to show Fire Marshall. ID scanner LED flashlight Fully charged two-way radio
Clock in at or after your scheduled start time Capacity and TABC certificate is posted inside Ensure trash cans are in correct positions Ask MOD if any special tasks need to completed Be in position ready to operate by opening All "During" duties have been read through prior to beginning of shift
NO DRINKING! DRINKING CALLS FOR IMMEDIATE TERMINATION If you need to leave your designated area for any reason - please ensure you ask your manager for permission and have another employee keep an eye on your area. Continuously SMILE Must welcome every customer entering with some variation of "welcome to Rodeo" Try to maintain a sizable, yet orderly line by creating conversation with guests Always bring in groups of ladies first Maintain the integrity of the establishment No Backwards Caps No Back Packs No overly-intoxicated patrons Ensure the people entering the establishment will enhance the atmosphere Check ID’s; patrons over 21 should receive stamp and under 21 should receive X marks with a sharpy Ensure that no beverages are taken outside of the establishment Be on the lookout for any potential fights or occurring fights and break them up Never use more than necessary force (if unsure what to do, ask manager): NEVER use any sort of headlock Always keep back at the door in order to see inside, flow, and outside People exiting always have the right away Please say “Thank you for coming to Rodeo, have a great day/night” or some variation of a thankful goodbye as patrons leave bar Never accept bribes from minors for entry without X marks Never leave front door unless another team member is available to relieve Never strike/harass patron/employees; only allowed to restrain While roaming, cups are picked up and taken to bar While roaming, trash is picked up and thrown away Phone usage during shift is not allowed unless using to promote the business. Use your two-way radio to communicate with bartenders and barbacks - if they are not in plain sight/easily accessible. Place Radios in office with headsets neatly wrapped around the top of them. If you need to leave your designated area for any reason (restroom, emergency phone call, etc.) - please ensure you ask your manager for permission and have another employee keep an eye on your area. Leaving the business during your shift is not permitted. If an emergency exists - please notify your manager. Eating during your shift is not permitted. Please eat before or after your shift. If we need to schedule you later so you can eat before shift, let us know so we can plan accordingly. Refer to Security Training Manual and Handbook for all operational rules and procedures
Clock out when finished with close out Stop accepting customers to enter 1:55am Beginning at 2AM, security member(s) must have all remaining patrons discard or finish their beverages and leave premises; kindness is key After 2AM, one security staff MUST attend door until all patrons are outside the establishment By 2:15 AM there must be no beverages in any patrons hands and all remaining patrons must be tabbed out and escorted out of the establishment Front door must be locked when all patrons have exited Place Radios in office on charger with headsets neatly wrapped around the top of them. Take out trash to dumpster, spray and wipe down cans, insert fresh liners, and place back in position ready to go for next day Spray and wipe down patio tables and chairs Pull rubber mats from behind bar as well as rubber door mats - use water hose to spray each mat clean. Roll mats up and lean upright against the corner of the patio fence and building wall - next to the patio door near the office. Take carpet mats to patio - dust off by turning over and shaking dust/dirt off. Roll mats up and place with rubber mats in the corner of the patio If trash can carrier is used to carry trash, ensure it is thoroughly cleaned Assist with sweeping interior and exterior, mopping, cleaning restrooms and re-stalking beer once above tasks have been completed *If there is ever an incident regarding fights, injury, intoxication problems, etc., you must fill out a breach report (ask manager for the form link)
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!