fort worth
fort worth
Bull Monthly Inspection
Control stand is free of leaks Control stand has the oil level in the middle of the sight glass All four hoses running towards the bull are free of leaks Hydraulic motors under the bull are free of leaks All equipment welding is free of cracks Air bag has been turned over and checked for holes and tears Air bag is checks for proper air flow, ensuring that the air tae is not partially plugged or constricted Electrical cord on air blower is checked for excessive wear or breaks in cords Electrical Cord going into the stand is checked for excessive wear and electrical ends are secured in place Gear box under bull body is free of oil leaks on sides and bottom of out-put shaft All four head bolts are tight below the gear box The seat and handle are in proper working order - securely attached inside of the body with no tears in strap webbing or improper positioning
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