Teeth brushed, hair styled, clean shave
Clean tennis shoes (non-slip)
Only Rodeo or blank hats may be worn
Black t-shirt or any Rodeo logo t-shirt, and dark/black jeans and other Manager approved apparel
LED Flashlight, Towel and one fully charged two-way radio
Clock in at or after your scheduled start time
Lock door during set-up
Ensure all LED lights are still on from previous night. Turn on any that were turned off. Scan QR code on any LED light to download remote.
Ensure all fog machines are filled with fog fluid. Fog fluid should be neatly stored behind DJ booth. If 2 gallons of fog or less remain, notify manager so new fog can be ordered
Use the 1/2 tablespoon measuring spoon to fill each of the two spark machines with 1/2 a tablespoon of the sparkular granules each night Thursday-Saturday. Machines should only be filled with 1/2 a tablespoon on these nights and not filled with any granules on any other nights unless advised by management.
Set up all bar mats, salt trays and fruit trays on top of bar, stack glasses next to trays
Set up napkin and straw caddies next to fruit trays (caddies should be refilled after shift so that opening shift begins with full caddies)
Ensure empty dirty towl bucket is located on floor behind bar (to be transferred to dirty towel bag in stairwell after shift
Fill up ice in ice wells that will be used that night (ask MOD if unsure)
Fill fruit trays with any fruit left in the fridge from previous shift; throw out any fruit older than 3 days or showing any brown spots. Limes should look crisp green. Cut as much fruit as you will need for the night and keep stocked in fridge container
Two towels are allowed per bartender and barback per night. If more is needed, must be approved by MOD or an emergency
Backup printer paper is available in stock bucket behind bar (do not keep printer paper on bar top or POS systems)
Restock liquor bottles and beer and back-up bottles according to par amounts; ask manager for par amounts (restocking is done at the beginning of the shift in case any deliveries were made that day)
Spray and wipe down restroom mirrors, sinks, countertops, walls, toilets, soap and paper towel dispensers, and dividers
Check that chemicals for dishwasher are stocked; take note of any chemicals nearing empty and report to head barback for ordering
Remove dishwasher filter, rinse residue out, and replace
Set up both beer-pong tables - check with manager for placement
If any TV's aren't working correctly try to resolve issue by unplugging the TV and plugging back in. If issue persists, notify manager
From open to dark - TV's should be set to to ESPN. From dark on, TV's should be set to Youtube - showing Rodeo graphics on repeat.
To show DIrecTV - select input and choose either Input 1 or DirecTV input.
If DirecTV not working - troubleshoot by unplugging the power for ten seconds and plugging back in.
To show graphics - select the home button on the remote - click YouTube - scroll to the left hand toolbar, click playlists, click watch later, scroll right to the rodeo playlist and then click left to select the “repeat” option.
Open garage door 5 minutes prior to opening
Place a black bus tub under roof drain (next to outdoor bar) and empty out throughout the night every time it fills halfway.
All "During" duties have been read through prior to beginning of shift
Restrooms to be cleaned hourly and Restroom Form submitted with each clean. Only initials are needed - timestamp will submit automatically
Continuously check stock and fill ice, fruits, napkins, straws, liquor, and beer
Continuously pick up cups, wash cups, and restock cups
Spray and wipe all tables and bars down
Regularly, ask bartenders if anything is needed
Clean up any spills; when floor is wet and you are able to move through crowd, use Swiffer with a bar towel (rather than a Swiffer pad) to dry floor
On Friday/Saturday Nights: Move one beer-pong table off of dance floor and to storage between 11:30PM-12PM as crowd picks up. Remove the second around 12AM-12:30AM.
All other days - both Beer Pong tables should be kept throughout the night until 2am - unless approved by manager for other scheduled events/busy nights.
Beer Pong cups should be lined up with a ten cup triangle on each side of the table - whenever not being played. Each cup should be filled up about a quarter of the cup with water. Each side of the table should have an extra cup with filled with the same amount of water and one ball inside each of those cups.
Keep an eye on CO2 gauge for soda guns; when CO2 runs out replace by:
Use CO2 tank wrench to unscrew the connection to the CO2 tank, place the connection on the other tank, tighten with wrench and then screw lose the knob a few turns to let the co2 flow
Wipe down walls and baseboards
Help with anything the bartenders may request
When no tasks seem available, dry/clean cups individually to remove excess water and other marks
Stay in motion on the look out for cleaning and organizational tasks
Phone usage during shift is not allowed unless using to promote the business.
Use your two-way radio to communicate with bartenders and security - if they are not in plain sight/easily accessible.
If you need to leave your designated area for any reason (restroom, emergency phone call, etc.) - please ensure you ask your manager for permission and have another employee keep an eye on your area.
Monitor and empty black bus tub under roof drain throughout the night as it fills halfway.
Leaving the business during your shift is not permitted. If an emergency exists - please notify your manager.
Eating during your shift is not permitted. Please eat before or after your shift. If we need to schedule you later so you can eat before shift, let us know so we can plan accordingly.
Refer to Handbook for all operational rules and procedures
Clock out when finished with close out
Close garage door within 10 minutes after closing
Turn off TV's
Place Radios in office on charger with headsets neatly wrapped around the top of them.
Sound and light switches in DJ booth should be turned off immidiately at 2AM. All other lights may be turned off when exiting the building.
Pick up all cups and wash them
All bar mats, salt trays, and fruit trays have been cleaned and replaced. Stack clean glasses on bar racks
Fully restock all behind the bar supplies: pens, bottle dust covers, salt, large and small straws, napkins, bottle spouts, and printer paper
Each storage rack at main bar and shot wheel bar as well as the corner of the satellite bar should have at least two boxes of large straws, two boxes of small straws, two packets of napkins, a salt box and a Tajín bottle.
Each bar should have a bucket or cup of bottle pourers, a cup of dust covers/bottle nipples, a cup of pens for each POS and bar towels either neatly folded or in a bucket
Main bar storage rack should have bottle service supplies (menus, bottle light sticks, bottle light stickers for under bottle, and confetti cannons), box of pens, AA and AAA batteries, first aid kit/bandaids, envelopes, receipt paper box, and fire sparkler packets.
Main bar above storage rack should have DirecTV remotes in a bucket, TV remotes in the wooden box, champagne flutes, rubber bands in a cup and paper clips in a cups
Satellite bar rack should have beer pong cups, a bucket of beer pong balls, trash can liners, and all extra shaker tins.
All napkin/straw caddies are completely filled and ready for following day
Spray and wipe down bar top
When cleaning out fruit trays, transfer fruit from the trays to a clean plastic storage containers located in fridge. Do not use metal containers
Thoroughly wash out fruit trays and place back on bartop
Spray and wipe down restroom mirrors, sinks, countertops, walls, toilets, and dividers
All dry storage is neatly organized
Sweep the entire bar
Mop entire bar (if security is scheduled, they may assist with this)
Thoroughly clean all mop buckets and cleaning supplies; ensure everything is placed in its original spot and organized properly
Gather all dirty towels laying around as well as dirty towels in bar bucket, and place in dirty towel bag in storage; rinse out dirty towel bucket and replace in position
Gather all trash inside, including restrooms, and work with security/door to have thrown in dumpster. Spray and wipe down trash cans, insert fresh liners, and place back in position ready to go for next day
If trash can carrier is used to carry trash, ensure it is thoroughly cleaned inside and out
Friday and Saturdays, security will take out trash
On nights security is not scheduled - assume security checklists:
All bar floor mats have been washed with water hose.
Bar mats should be washed in dishwasher and stored in a black bus tub
All excess trash from bar mats is swept up and thrown away
Ensure light and sound switches on right side DJ booth - next to mixers - are turned off
Place black bus tub from under roof drain back inside with other bus tubs
First Name
Last Name